diet (noun)
uk ​ /ˈdaɪ.ət/ us ​ /ˈdaɪ.ət/

1. the food and drink usually eaten or drunk by a person or group:
a healthy/balanced/varied diet
(Cambridge English Dictionary)

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Cambridge says it best. Diet is nothing more nor less than what people usually eat or drink. It’s not a passing fad. And what we eat on the everyday really matters.

Whether it’s green juice in the mornings, healthy snacks midday or delicious evening dinners, I love being in the kitchen cooking up goodies for my family. Though high on motivation, I admit I’m pretty low on free time.

We’re all super busy. I totally get it. We understand that sit down, mindful meals do our body and brains good, but it’s tough to make healthy choices in our fast-paced world. I’m here to tell you that faster foods need not be ‘fast foods’. In fact, one of my daily goals with patients is to have them recognize that having a healthy plate need not be synonymous with arduous prep nor bland-tasting meals.

In this section, I offer up my tried and tested go-tos: These are healthy, delicious, and best of all, EASY snacks and dishes you can prepare at home. I’ve only chosen recipes that I make personally with only a handful of ingredients. I’m a huge fan of slow-cooker meals, made in the morning, ready for you whenever you come home at night. Invite your partner and/or kids to help if they’re around! Or enjoy some solo time doing something that is so good for you, on so many levels.

Wherever possible, organic foods as well as mindful preparing and eating are encouraged. Most importantly, enjoy these with loved ones! Food is our fuel, and it is at it’s most health-promoting when our tables are shared.

To food!