Your first visit with me will be longer than most follow ups, usually about 90 minutes. I will ask you to discuss your chief concern(s) in detail and will also ask you a series of questions on other body systems, understand your health history and goals for treatment and possibly perform some physical exams, if indicated.

I ask every new patient to take some time to fill out the online intake forms and submit those at least 24 hours before your scheduled visit time (see the Policies section lower down on this page). This way you can take your time filling out the information at your own pace and there is no need to show up earlier than your reserved slot. These forms will allow us to take more time discussing your concerns and addressing your questions when we meet in person, rather than trying to collect all that information on the spot.


Following our first visit, we will schedule your follow up a week or two from that date. I take your case home and really think about what treatment strategies would both be most effective for you while at the same time working within the bounds of your personal preferences and constraints. That’s not to suggest you’ll always love my plan for you (!) but you can rest assured that much research, thought and care has been taken in putting it together.

Your second visit, then, is where we discuss the various aspects of the initial Treatment Plan I’ve drawn up for you. Generally speaking, there will always be some dietary and/or lifestyle changes suggested, laboratory testing options offered, as well as supplements and/or botanicals recommended. It’s important to note that, regardless of my initial plans for you, you are always the one in the driver’s seat when it comes to your health. Everything is an open discussion, and I always welcome my patients to tell me if something won’t work for them or if a modification is required.

Your third visit usually comes 3-4 weeks later, once you’ve had the chance to implement one or more of the strategies and to allow some time for any laboratory testing to come in. We will assess any such lab results, adjust supplements, botanicals if need be, and troubleshoot any sticking points or challenges with respect to diet and lifestyle interventions. In this visit, we will also continue to address any concerns not originally discussed.

Sometimes follow ups will be progress checks, sometimes they will include new treatment strategies or options moving forward, and sometimes they will be entirely dedicated to the treatment itself (an acupuncture or hydrotherapy session, for example).

It’s important to appreciate that you are the one doing the healing. As I tend to repeat often, dietary and lifestyle changes are always recommended and are, in almost every case, the real launching pad to feeling better. Follow up visits will help keep your treatment perfectly adjusted to your changing needs, but they are also helpful in keeping you accountable.

The exact number of visits you will need to help resolve your chief concern(s) is, of course, entirely case dependent, but as you are feeling better, know that the progress checks become shorter and much less frequent.

Once you are feeling well, seasonal check-ins are a great way of preventing illness and keeping you in optimal health. 


Virtual Care & Tele-practice Ontario-wide

Thursdays   8:00-12:00

Saturdays   9:00-4:00

AJAX Clinic — Family Chiropractic & Homeopathic Centre (570 Westney Rd. S #6)

Mondays   9:30-2:00

Wednesdays   10:00-4:00

Thursdays   12:00-4:00

OSHAWA clinic — Fundamentals Physiotherapy & Wellness Clinic (1383 Wilson Rd. N)

Tuesdays   9:30-4:30 / 12:00-8:00 (alternating)

Fridays   9:30-3:00

(All non-acupuncture appointments available VIRTUALLY or IN CLINIC)


1. Initial Consult (up to 90 min) – $240
2. Personalized Treatment Plan (up to 75 min) – $210
3. Treatment Plan Fine Tune (up to 60 min) – $175

Re-Initial* (up to 75 min) – $210

Progress Check (~60 min) – $175
Progress Check (~45 min) – $135
Progress Check (~30 min) – $95
Quick Question / Check In (~15 min) – $50

Acupuncture (~45 min) – $95
Acupuncture + check in (~60 min) – $135

*Required when your last visit was over 1 year ago

Naturopathic visits are not covered under OHIP but are very often covered under extended health benefit plans.

Regardless of the visit ‘type’, your invoice will always say ‘Naturopathic Services’ – unfortunately we cannot claim a TCM visit as ‘Acupuncture’.

Please check with your health insurance provider to see what is covered for you.

Cancellation or Rescheduling:

Patient care is our highest priority – your appointment time is held just for you. Life is busy and we totally get that… but a late cancellation or missed visit leaves a gap in the ND’s day that could be filled by another patient who really needs it.

Noting this, we require a minimum of 24 hours notice for any cancellations or changes to your appointment, Friday clinic close to Monday clinic open excluded. Please notify our reception staff directly in office or by phone. Patients who provide less than 24 hours notice, or miss their appointment, will be charged a cancellation fee equal to 100% of the treatment cost. We really appreciate your understanding!

Voicemail messages left after hours will be heard and be considered as notice received by the clinic at the time it opens the following working day.

Email / Phone Consultations: 

We recommend that any queries requiring medical advice from Dr. Ana Candia, ND, be booked as a virtual consultation so as to keep your health information secure. This consult will be billed for the duration booked, as per the fee schedule indicated above. If your email does not require a response, you are solely updating contact information, or need brief clarification on an ongoing treatment, no fee will be charged.

Booking Requirements: 

For all appointments (excluding complimentary meet & greets), we require a valid credit card on file in advance to secure your appointment.

Intake & Consent Forms:

These forms are essential to helping the Naturopathic Doctor prepare for your visit – please note that these must be filled out and submitted at least 24 hours before your appointment time or your appointment will be cancelled. But don’t worry – we’ll remind you before this happens!